Saturday, July 09, 2005

The weight of the entire neighborhood’s eyes on us was matched only by the oppressive weight of the couch itself. But one great thing about transporting a couch is that every time you need a rest (and believe me it’s often) you already have a comfy place to sit down. We took advantage of this on a number of occasions, setting the monstrous carroty sofa right down in the middle of the street and flopping down on it with a satisfied sigh. Our final stopover was at the corner store in front of the school.

The boys parked the sofa right in front of the ice cream cooler and bought a couple beers to toast the mission. We sat there in the warm summer night on this citrus chaise feeling both victorious and ridiculous. Like kings on a thrown we may as well have been wearing navy Brooks Brothers blazers. kings on a thrown


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