Oh Korea, Korea
Arriving in Seoul went about as expected, mundane and with out incident...so I feel it necessary to elaborate:
I boarded a plane in Saigon atthe unGodly time of 1:00am (speaking as a religion major I have the qualification to declare such a departure hour blasphemous) and when I stepped off the plane my sole met Seoul. Yes folks, international travel really is that simple. My only struggle was trying to block out the incredible nostril orchestra that surrounded me on the way over. Asians may be small but their nasal capacity and proneness for sinusititis congestion and obstructive sleep apnea should not be underestimated. But despite the exceptionally high rate of deviated septums in my particular section of the airplane (yes, it was coach) I was able to get a bit of sleep. I disembarked at 7:56am, fresh and ready to take on my newest conquest: Korea.
My first impression of Korea was "Wow, this looks strikingly similar to all other international airports I have found myself traveling through in the past few months." Shall we count them? Let's : Logan, Heathrow, Dublin, Shannon, Paris De Gaul, KCI, LAX, Taipei, Saigon and now Seoul. And I will add another this Friday when all the teachers make our visa run to Fukuoko, Japan. Maybe I should start collecting something...perhaps the change bowls at the metal detectors. That could actually prove to be a lucrative hobby...I'll let you all know how it goes.
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