Thursday, July 21, 2005

Barrels of Mud

Barrels of Mud

After a quick 2 hour bus ride to the coast our troupe of 8 headed out to the mudflats on the west coast of Daechon for "basic training". Basically what it was was trying not to collapse from laughter. If there was any exercise involved it was an exercise in futility. Doing sit ups, push ups and jumping jacks as our appendages slowly sank in the muck.
Jumping jacks!? HA! As the ooze closed over my ankles and I descended into the soft sucking mire it became impossible for me to jump at all, so I just did jack. Then after our military training we were ready for combat. Mudslinging, mudwrestling, mud sliding and diving competitions commenced as a perfect gray drizzle tinted the atmosphere with a GI Jane flavor...or maybe it was just the mud in my mouth. Either way it was a mucking good time.
After a hose down and a drive back into town we spent the next day on the beach and then in the town square where we played in the mud pools, met mud people and did a giant mud slip-'n-slide. I guess traditionally the mud in this area is herald as the most pure and beneficial mud for your skin. I don't know if my epidermis came out any better after the weekend of "treatment" but I will attest to the therapeutic benefits of mud as a mood elevator. No wonder all the little piggies seem so happy. And if I ever do find that barrel full of muddy monkeys I'm sure they'll say the same.


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