The Prodigal Blogger Returns
Ok, so I've had a bit of a respite in my blogging...a, shall we say, "non-committal relationship" with my travel log here...a virtual sabbatical perhaps...a web e-gression if you will (haha I like that one)...a little furlough to, you know, uh, reconnect with my, uh,...harmony? yeeeeaaa....
Enough bullsh*ting...I fell off the blogger band wagon, but I'm gonna triumphantly return with my next big project- ta duh-duh DA! KOREA: a Retrospective! This is gonna be the working title for my sorry attempt to catch up on some of the incredible things that happened to and around me last year. So incredible I didn't write them down, until now.
This is a blatant attempt to quash any harsh feelings you may be harboring against me due to my failure to post.
Please don't be mad at me....I'm so cute!
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