The Great Peep Pyramid
I ask you: What is Easter without Peeps and Cadbury Eggs? A day to celebrate the prophesized Resurrection of the Messiah? uuuhh, yeeeea...but J.C. just doesn't give you that same high-pitched sugar rush as a slightly stale crispy gooey sickeningly sweet neon marshmallow chick.
So as not to exlude anyone based on religious or chocolate affiliation I hosted a dual Easter Brunch/Holy Chocolate Bunny Day. *Due to my dairy allergy there were no actual chocolate bunnies, but in all fairness, Jesus wasn't there either....
The party included a living room filled with Sunday afternoon sunlight, a table full of food, and a floor full of friends. And what Easter/Holy Chocolate Bunny Day celebration would be complete without a few rounds of microwave Peep wars? Good times had by all, except the Peeps I suppose.